Mom's 61st Birthday

wpeC.jpg (8021 bytes)Hard to believe it's already been a year since I created a page for Mom's 60th birthday.  Here we go again!

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We took Mom to Macaroni Grill where the 'preverbial cherubian lady' sang Happy Birthday in melodic operatic Venetian tones.... the food was pretty good too.  Then back to Gary and Laura's for the cutting of the photo...I mean the cake...I mean the photo cake. These things are all the rage here.  Be sure to find an excuse to have one made!

wpeE.jpg (11511 bytes)Leigh Hampton ALWAYS gets into her food.  And Cameron couldn't wait to play with her new 3D Vulcan chess set. Look out Spock....

And to think they all used to be so shy in front of the camera? I guess having Uncle Dale around with all his multimedia gadgets takes the edge off posing.  And we thought Super 8mm film was something amazing!

The token GROUP PHOTO is on the next page. It's a little big, but ready for printing!  So click here and enjoy!